Author: Umi for Mothers

  • What’s your own gift?

    What’s your own gift?

    Supporting mums in Africa and diaspora with information, connection, and community needed to care for themselves and their little ones. Some inspiring wordsOne thing we want to know…What are you doing to celebrate yourself this weekend? It is yet another mother’s day and yes, we deserve it. As we celebrate you, we hope you would…

  • We launched #Umi100 to celebrate mums of African descent leading change

    We launched #Umi100 to celebrate mums of African descent leading change

    Supporting mums in Africa and diaspora with information, connection, and community needed to care for themselves and their little ones. This week is for mums.Umi literally means “Mother” or “Life giver”. So, you best believe we will jump on any and every avenue we have to celebrate us. Africa is rich. We are truly blessed.…

  • … the mothers and women who raised you

    … the mothers and women who raised you

    Supporting mums in Africa and diaspora with information, connection, and community needed to care for themselves and their little ones. Another mother’s day is coming up this weekend. We are so fortunate. We get to be God’s right hand persons to complete the job of creation. I know all too well that this job of…

  • Raising multilingual kids

    Raising multilingual kids

    Supporting mums in Africa and diaspora with information, connection, and community needed to care for themselves and their little ones. An average parent in this century wants their children to speak multiple languages. African parents even more. Because we love to communicate and we want our kids to be able to stand before any audience…

  • Solo travels for kids

    Solo travels for kids

    Supporting mums in Africa and diaspora with information, connection, and community needed to care for themselves and their little ones. This one is interesting. My husband and I have had to ask ourselves these questions, “Would we ever allow our kids to travel alone (while they are still under our roof) and when would we begin…

  • Solo travel…without the kids

    Solo travel…without the kids

    Supporting mums in Africa and diaspora with information, connection, and community needed to care for themselves and their little ones. Before you think this ain’t gonna happen, wait first.Read and then if you still feel the same, then that’s okay.Motherhood is a joy. It’s a world of beautiful discovery. One that can get overwhelming and…

  • Have you ever travelled without your kid(s)?

    Have you ever travelled without your kid(s)?

    Supporting mums in Africa and diaspora with information, connection, and community needed to care for themselves and their little ones. A few things to think about One thing we want to know When was the first time you travelled without your kid(s) and how was it? How did you feel? I travelled without my kid…

  • Family planning / Children spacing

    Supporting mums in Africa and diaspora with information, connection, and community needed to care for themselves and their little ones. If you have plans to have more than one kid or two, child spacing or family planning is one thing you have probably thought about. Or maybe you are thinking about it right now. While…

  • Nothing matters

    Nothing matters

    Supporting mums in Africa and diaspora with information, connection, and community needed to care for themselves and their little ones. Nothing really matters. Absolutely nothing is worth our time. Relationships, education, work, motherhood, businesses, finances. Name it, it doesn’t matter. If you strip everything down to its bane, you will find that there is no…

  • What’s one underrated thing about you?

    What’s one underrated thing about you?

    Supporting mums in Africa and diaspora with information, connection, and community needed to care for themselves and their little ones. A few things to reflect on One thing to ask yourself What’s one underrated thing about me? It could be a skill, or a quality or anything. Something that you do so well, but you…

  • Mummy, use your inside voice

    Mummy, use your inside voice

    Supporting mums in Africa and diaspora with information, connection, and community needed to care for themselves and their little ones. I don’t think there’s any mum who has not felt frustrated by their kids. Who at one time or another felt the need to shout and yell some sense back into their kids. Kids are…

  • Letting go

    Letting go

    Supporting mums in Africa and diaspora with information, connection, and community needed to care for themselves and their little ones. This is one lesson that we would have to learn over and over again.  Letting go. Knowing when to hold on and when to let go.  Knowing when to allow our kids to fall and…

  • What talent of yours are you not using?

    What talent of yours are you not using?

    Supporting mums in Africa and diaspora with information, connection, and community needed to care for themselves and their little ones. A few things to reflect on A question to ask yourself What talent of yours are you not using? No one is born with just one thing. We are a collection of several gifts and…

  • Baby talk

    Baby talk

    Supporting mums in Africa and diaspora with information, connection, and community needed to care for themselves and their little ones. The conversation around baby talk is sort of all over the place. There are lots of arguments against using baby talk with kids while some researchers feel that it is actually very helpful in speech…

  • Why should I continue to read/learn about parenting?

    Why should I continue to read/learn about parenting?

    Supporting mums in Africa and diaspora with information, connection, and community needed to care for themselves and their little ones. Africans are the strongest and toughest people I know. And I may be biased because I am African, but I revere the strength and the tenacity of Africans. African mums are even more exceptional. And…

  • Attributes to encourage in your kids

    Attributes to encourage in your kids

    Supporting mums in Africa and diaspora with information, connection, and community needed to care for themselves and their little ones. Everything we do (or don’t do) leaves an impression on our kids. They are blank slates upon which history can be re-written, new paths can be created and hopefully better outcomes are imprinted. This is…

  • Loving your skin tone

    Loving your skin tone

    Supporting mums in Africa and diaspora with information, connection, and community needed to care for themselves and their little ones. We have had stories of people-of-colour who are discriminated against because of the colour of their skin. I imagine that would be difficult for them and their families. And it really is so sad. It…

  • How did you wean your kid(s)?

    How did you wean your kid(s)?

    Response to a question from one Umi Mama A few things to reflect on One thing that we would like to know How did you wean your kid(s)? Well, this is for one of the mums in our community who is finding it a bit difficult to wean her 18 months old. I thought we…

  • Loving your kids on their terms

    Loving your kids on their terms

    Supporting mums in Africa and diaspora with information, connection, and community needed to care for themselves and their little ones. When I was going to get married to my partner, we read books, took some psychometric tests and asked to know and understand what our love languages were. If we wanted to be loved right…

  • Happy Valentine’s Day to you!

    Happy Valentine’s Day to you!

    Some self care tips Tomorrow is another valentine’s day. It is literally a global love day for all and sundry. Yes, it is an opportunity for partners to shower love, gifts and affection on one another some more (You hear that, Temi? Catch your sub o 😒). However, it is also a good excuse for…