What’s the most shocking compliment you have ever received?

What’s the most shocking compliment you have ever received?

A few things to reflect on

One thing to ask yourself

What’s the most shocking compliment you have ever received? Something someone complimented you about that you felt may not be entirely true.

Someone took a good look at me recently, and told me that I am “audacious.” Me! Anyone who knew me really well would say otherwise. I have been anything but audacious or bold. However, I have been working very hard to do things that really interest me. Perhaps, that was what prompted that compliment. It was shocking, but affirming.

How about you? What compliment have you recently that was so shocking to you?

One thing for you to try this weekend

Try to be deliberate about lending a helping hand to someone this weekend, especially to women/mothers like you. Offer a word of advice, literally offer a helping hand, listen and just make a conscious effort to make someone else feel loved and seen this weekend.

Which of the sections resonated the most with you?

🔥 The quotes to reflect on

🔥 The question to ask myself

🔥 The one thing for me to try this weekend


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