Holiday Shopping tips

Holiday Shopping tips

For those of us who have admitted to making a big deal of the holiday season, I know you are probably trying to figure out how to get your shopping done now. And I imagine that things probably cost almost twice what they used to now, so the economy is not exactly making those shopping a fun experience for us as we would like.

Well, I have got some tips for you. I have used a lot of these tips over the years and they have been quite helpful.

Start shopping for foodstuffs as early as October. August is usually when I get my Rice and a few other things. But now is good too. If you Iive in a country like mine, then you know the prices of things this week will definitely be different from how much they will cost next week. Get those foodstuffs now.

Take advantage of discounts. Some stores will be trying to get some things off their shelves now. Check the expiry dates to be sure they are still very good. Check for discounts online as well. This is a period where a lot of online stores are trying to gain visibility, so a lot of them will be offering discounts. Take advantage of that.

DIY some gifts. If you are the type that exchange gifts with family members, I bet a more thoughtful gift will be something you make. That’s sentimental; it’s worth more than anything you could get in the market. Be creative with it and you don’t have to break the bank.

Have a shopping limit and stick with it. I know shopping get way out of hand this season. But you’ve gotta look at the amount that you are working with. Let that determine how wild you go. Don’t forget, January is coming. And January is usually two months in one (very looooonng).

Plan exciting things at home instead of going out. Curate a menu, plan games and whatever else. Whatever it is you come up with will be a lot cheaper and nicer than you going out to eat, I promise you.

Take advantage of online shopping. You will save time. You can compare prices and then factor in the time it would take for you to go out. It saves you time in the long run.

Don’t forget healthy snacks for your babies. Some fruits are in season. Get those and make Smoothies.

Whatever it is you do, don’t overspend just to impress someone. It’s not worth it. Make the best of whatever it is you have. And have some fun with your family members. You deserve it!

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