One of the best advice that I have gotten this year is to be sure that everyday of my life, every goal that I set aligns with my vision for my life.
And that came after I had recently gained some perspectives into the difference between Purpose, Visions and Goals.
Purpose I was made to understand, is the overall intent of God for creating me into this world. Everyone’s got one. God does not make a mistake. There was no mass production. Everyone who is here on earth has a reason for being here. That is Purpose.
Vision on the other hand, is my personal understanding of my purpose per time. It’s like this; We all know that there are microorganisms everywhere, but we cannot see them. But if we look through a microscope, we will see some of them. That which we can see under the microscope per time is the clarity that we have of the microorganisms that exist around us, isn’t it? That’s what vision is. What you think and see your purpose on earth to be at this time, is your vision. Sometimes it morphes into something more than what we see now as we grow to gain more insight.
Now, goals are actionable plans and steps that I put in place to achieve that which I know my purpose to be. That is, goal are strategies to the pursuit of my vision.
This breakdown saved my life this year. It helped me to do some realignment and adjustment so that I am not just wasting my time by doing things that do not make an impact on the path that I have seen for myself.
If you need to redefine your purpose and your vision, I think you should do it today. That way, 2024 is clearer for you. And you can make your goals for each quarter of the year align accordingly. 2024 should be a year of precision for you. You won’t have to be confused if you have figured the part of purpose and vision out. And you will not be tired or weary quickly because you would have been certain that you are towing the line that you are meant to be on.
So, whatever your process is in figuring out important things (prayers, meditation or any other way), I think you should do that now. Be clear on why you are here and where you are going, and then make your goals align.
We are about to break some grounds in 2024, people. I can’t wait to see and hear about all the amazing things that you will all do. I am rooting for you!
NOTE: The application for the mentorship program is still ongoing. It is FREE and trust me, this will help you figure a lot of things out as a mom, a wife and a career woman. Apply Now