A few things to reflect on
One thing to ask yourself
What lessons are you learning from your kids? What did you learn from them over the holidays. I mean, you had all that time with them. What did you find out?
Well, my little girl sang our ears off during the holidays. I mean, she could sing different songs non-stop for 30 minutes if you let her. But what really stood out for me was how sensitive she has grown to be. I could just be stretching my neck due to a sprain or her Dad could squeeze his face from been in deep thought. It could be anything really and she would come rub our heads and say, “sorry.” It might sound so mundane, but she is so attentive. That’s quite a thing for me.
What did you learn? What are you learning from those adorable kids of yours?
One thing to try this weekend
Try prepping meals that you and your kids will take to work and school next week from this weekend. Now that we have a food timetable for school lunch, how about we stock up on what we do not have (or make what’s already in the house work for us) and cook what we can ahead. That way, the week will be a lot easier.
Opportunities for African Women
Check out these amazing opportunities. You never know…….
Funza-Lushaka South Africa Bursaries
African Women in tech Scholarship Program
African Women Entrepreneurs Program Reimagined 2024
Open Doors Fellowship Program for women in Africa
YALI West Africa Emerging Leaders Program Cohort 47
Enjoy your weekend!
Which of the sections resonated the most with you?
🔥 The one thing for me to try this weekend