One very vital key as we continue to highlight ways to successfully achieve our goal in 2024 is accountability.
First to yourself, to your peer and then to a mentor.
Writing out your goals and saying them out loud to yourself kinda reassures you of how important it is for you to achieve them. It’s like you trying to convince yourself or evaluate what truly is achievable. Seeing it in front of you at all times fuels your drive and what you put your attention to.
Talking about it to a peer who can remind you when you forget or when you feel weary is very important. You will not always feel energised to go out and get them. There are days when you would want to crawl under your blankets and just get lost in the dark. But when you have a friend who can remind you of what you told them about your goals and the reasons they are so important, that might be the jolt you need to get up and keep going. A trusted buddy is very important on this journey.
Even more important is a mentor. There is no need for you to make the mistakes that had been made in the past. There is no new thing anymore, Sis. We are just revamping ideas now. That is to say that there are people who have walked the path that you are attempting to tread. There are those who have fallen and risen as they achieve the goals that you have only just set for yourself. Why not link up with them and let them guide you? Let them point you in the right direction so that you are able to arrive early to your destination.
This is the reason the Umi Mentorship Program was put in place. It is an opportunity to link up with mothers who are raising sane and healthy kids while shattering the glass ceilings in their industries. The mentorship program is a three month one-on-one pairing with a specific mentor who is suited to your needs to literally hold your hands as you navigate the next stages of your life as a mum, wife, career woman, and professional. The beautiful thing about it is that it is FREE.
The last cohort could not stop raving about all that the program did for them. And a lot of them are now implementing what they learnt in their homes, businesses, parenting and career journey.
Application for the next cohort is now open until December 31st. Apply now.
You can also check out some of our mentors here. They gave their all to the last cohort. And together with the new mentors that are coming in, the next cohort will be even better.
You need this to gain an edge in the next year.